This type of honey is produced by “stingless bees” (belonging to the Melipona and Trigona species. These bees are found mainly in the wild in South America, Australia, Asia, and Africa and produce a unique natural product known as “stingless bee honey” (Tazma Mar in Amharic). Domestication of these bees has not yet been successful because they are diverse and elusive in nature and difficult to catch and domesticate. They build their hives underground or in tree trunks and house wall cracks. The most common Ethiopian species is the one that builds its hive underground. The stingless bee honey (SBH) supply in the world market is limited partly because knowledge about this product is scant. However, SBH is regarded with high esteem as traditional medicine and nutritious food. In Ethiopia, Tazma Mar is one of the most popular home remedies. The moisture content in SBH is ca. 30%, while that of regular honey is less than 20%. This explains why SBH is thinner than regular honey. Both types of honey contain around 30% fructose and glucose, and both are slightly acidic in nature. The acidity helps curb the growth of microorganisms, thus ensuring long shelf life.