4.5 Make Herbal Tea your regular drink

Herbal teas are simple to make. Fill your thermos flask or kettle with hot water. Add about 5 g or so of the herbal tea, e.g., flowers, leaves, seeds, or roots. Shake the flask gently and allow it to stand for a few minutes. To serve, pour the tea into a glass or cup. Do not fill the glass; half-filled glass is ideal, and there is no need to sweeten it with sugar. At first, you might not like it, but you may get used to it with time, and you may even have discovered your ideal and most favorite drink. Herbal teas are simple, effective, inexpensive, and caffeine-free beverages. By drinking herbal teas, we provide our body with so much needed hydration. Herbal teas also have a wide array of health benefits. We describe below a few examples.

Chamomile flower: It is one of the most common herbal teas used in many parts of the world.

Cinnamon tea: The bark of the cinnamon plant yields this amazing and tasty tea. It is also known for its health benefits. Unfortunately, the cinnamon plant is not cultivated in Ethiopia.

Hibiscus is a tea that is enjoyed cold or hot and is known to be a calming beverage rich in antioxidants. This tea plant is recently introduced in Ethiopia and is available in supermarkets and at Ariti Shop in Addis Ababa.

Peppermint and spearmint teas: Both are quite popular and grown in this country.

Balanced Herbal Tea (BHT): This is a unique brand developed by Ariti Herbal and is a unique combination of several herbs. Herbal tea is an infusion of various herbs, spices, or other plant materials in hot water. Herb tea is different from tea (black or green) prepared from the cured leaves of the Asian tea plant Camellia sinensis.

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